
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Valentines Day

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day spending it with loved ones. I did receive a nice card from my parents as well as a gift certificate to a really good restaurant close to us. I know people think that it's a 'Hallmark holiday' but so what. Yes, you should tell the people you love that you love them everyday but it's a nice reminder. I hope everyone was spending the day with loved ones!
I of course spent it working. I did have the closing shift so I did have the whole day to myself. It was a nice day in just relaxing. I went to work and knew it was supposed to snow pretty heavily. What I hadn't known was how absolutely horrible it is to drive in a blizzard. By the time my shift was about half way through with the snow had really started and there was already a good 2-3 inches on the ground. Every person who was working, including myself was hoping we would be sent home early because of the blizzard. Unfortunately that was not the case and we all stayed until our regularly scheduled time. When we were let our it took a good half hour for me to clean the snow off my car. I had been out in a snow storm before, the whole snow coming down and wind whipping, but being out in a blizzard is a whole other story. The snow coming down yes, the wind whipping, yes but so much harder and faster. It hurts! Being outside in a blizzard is brutal, and so was my drive home from work that night. Not being able to see the car in front of you is scary. Have you ever been hiking or camping on a mountain and you look around and all you can see is white because your in a cloud? That's what it was like on my drive home, except it was dark and the wind was whipping snow around and I wasn't on a mountain in a cloud. I was in a cloud of snow. It was scary and everyone was driving so slow but close enough so they could see the lights in front of them to make sure they were still on the road. Luckily I made it home safe and sound.

happy valentines day!! <3

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