
Sunday, February 8, 2015

catch up con't part 2

The new year started with a trip to one of those indoor trampoline parks with Kaycee. We were having a much needed (for me at least) fun day out. We started with a late morning and then out to the mall and out to lunch at Panera. The night ended at Blitz Air Park. It was some of the most fun I've had in a while.

The rest of January brought a lot of change for me as well as a lot of snow. My dad has been down visiting my mom in Florida a lot recently so that means more time alone for me. I don't mind it too much because I've been so busy with my new position at work. I am now the Men's Department Supervisor. A promotion to a full-time job with a pay raise and benefits. I am very grateful for this opportunity. So, just before I started my new position my friend Jiejie came to visit and we just hung out and spend some time catching up.

So, January got to see friends, got a promotion at work, things were going swimmingly! Then it all came down. Literally, snow came in dump trucks full! First it was a light snow then Nemo came down and buried us! And it's snowing right now as I type this. We've got more than enough snow this winter and everyone is ready for it to stop!


after our first snow.

taken only moments ago.

It's February now and like I've said before I really hope to post more often. Valentines day is coming up! I hope everyone has someone to celebrate with be it friends, family or significant others!  

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