Where do you see yourself in five years? So, what are your plans for the future?
I have been hearing these questions so much lately and it's not a bad thing. I understand friends and family want to know about life and future plans and stuff like that. What makes it tough, like in my situation, is when you have absolutely no idea your plans are. I graduated high school June 2013, a little over a year ago, and graduation day was unforgettable and so surreal.
So, I graduated in June and like most other high school graduates I went to college the following fall. Unlike most of my friends I ended up going to a community college close by and I lived at home. I was working about twenty hours a week as well as going to school three days a week. It was a hectic schedule and I wasn't that focused on school. So after one semester and a talk with my parents I decided to put school on hold for a little while. So for the past year I've been working and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.
Back to those two questions. Honestly, I have no idea where I see myself, and no idea what I want to do. The past few months I've started feeling very behind, depressed and alone. Almost all of my friends are off at college and having these great new experiences and meeting new people and really starting their lives. This has pushed me to really think about what I want to do. Even more recently, past few weeks, I've been getting a lot of advice from family friends and I'm realizing I don't have to know right this instant. I'm only eighteen years old. Why do I have to know what I want to do for the rest of my life? That's the thing though, I don't. I've talked to college graduates and family friends and most of them changed majors half way through college. You can't know what you want to do for the rest of your life at the age of eighteen. Yes, there are some people who know what they want to do and actually end up doing it. A lot of people end up changing their mind multiple times throughout their life, and that's okay.
It is so hard not knowing what I want to go to school for or not knowing what I want to do with my life but like a lot of family friends have said, I'm young and I have time to figure it out. I still feel very alone in this, but I have good friends who are supporting me and trying to help me in any way they can.